If you are thinking of donating, it might be useful for you to know a few things. Firstly, Donations are completely your choice. Donation rewards are to show our appreciation. Secondly, donations are non-refundable. Please make sure, if you plan on donating, you actually want to do it and won't ask for a refund. Thirdly, VIP is only given to donations that are worth 5 euros or more. Lastly, if you're unable to donate via PayPal (which is what we use to process donations), please contact myself via Discord/Forum PM and we may be able to work on an alternative). Next, check who you are donating to. You wouldn't want to end up donating to a scammer, the proper link is: https://sa-pp.com/donate or /donate in-game.
SAPP reserves the right to remove VIP from any player for any valid reason or deny a player access to VIP perks.
Within the circled area on the images below, please make it clear what your in game name is. If you are donating for a friend, put YOUR NAME donating for FRIENDS NAME in there.
Example A (donating for yourself to receive VIP in-game);

Example B (Donating for your friend to receive VIP in-game);

Finally, if you have donated, or will donate, thank you for contributing to the server. & I hope you enjoy your stay on our server!
Having VIP does not make you immune to bans, kicks, jails, warns and other punishments, so please don't go instantly cocky and break every rule ever.
- Access to the VIP vehicles on /changecar; Bullet, Cheetah, Infernus, Buffalo, Sultan and more.
- Access to a Sniper, Combat Shotgun & MP5 via /takegun as a police officer, and an automatically given sawn-off shotgun as a fugitive.
- Armour during events, and normal pursuit rounds.
- An Additional 200 score is added on to your current score & an extra 10,000$ added onto your account.
- Donator role on discord, and a donator role on the forums, with access to a donator chat on the discord.
- The ability to /colorcar your car to any color you want (as a driver). Yes, even pink (which is colorID 5 if you wanna know).
- Exclusive /v(ip) chat in-game where you can discuss stuff with your fellow VIP friends.
Within the circled area on the images below, please make it clear what your in game name is. If you are donating for a friend, put YOUR NAME donating for FRIENDS NAME in there.
Example A (donating for yourself to receive VIP in-game);
Example B (Donating for your friend to receive VIP in-game);
Finally, if you have donated, or will donate, thank you for contributing to the server. & I hope you enjoy your stay on our server!