Itegrae Systems Cheat Scanner
Creating an account on the San Andreas Police Pursuits (SA-PP) Forums (https://forum.sa-pp.com) or on our game server (Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Multiplayer Modification) is an automatic agreement to the mandatory use of our Itegrae Systems Cheat Scanner (ISCS) if you are banned from our game server. If you refuse to use ISCS when requested by a member of staff, we reserve the right to:
• Blacklist you from our community.
• Keep any active ban enforced, and active for an indefinite amount of time.
• Anything else decided by a Lead Administrator or above.
We sincerely promise that ISCS is virus and risk-free for you, the user.
__Itegrae Systems Cheat Scanner
Creating an account on the San Andreas Police Pursuits (SA-PP) Forums (https://forum.sa-pp.com) or on our game server (Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Multiplayer Modification) is an automatic agreement to the mandatory use of our Itegrae Systems Cheat Scanner (ISCS) if you are banned from our game server. If you refuse to use ISCS when requested by a member of staff, we reserve the right to:
• Blacklist you from our community.
• Keep any active ban enforced, and active for an indefinite amount of time.
• Anything else decided by a Lead Administrator or above.
We sincerely promise that ISCS is virus and risk-free for you, the user.
You may not use any modifications of any kind of third-party software to give you an advantage during gameplay.
Such modifications include, but are not limited to: Cheats, CLEO Files, and FPS changers.
If you are not sure if a mod will be permitted or not, feel free to ask a Lead Administrator.
The below are currently approved of:
•Vehicle modifications.
•Graphics modifications.
•Vehicle ELM light mods.
•Sound modifications.
You are to respect all players, donators and staff members alike.
Whilst some mild insulting/namecalling is permitted, the server is to be a positive environment for communication and fun. Discriminating and bullying other users, or insulting others based on their gender, racial, religion or political stance is not tolerated.
You are not allowed to repeatedly spam unnecessary messages of any kind or flood the servers' chatlog with similar messages on any chat platform. SAMP or Discord Server Advertising is automatically considered a flood of unnecessary messages, and is bannable.
The server welcomes all nationalities and cultures to the server, but for the sake of keeping communications standards, and easy communication between players and staff, all players are required to speak English in all channels.
Non-English can be spoken in /pm and in /pm only.
Creating a new account, signing in with an alternative IP address, a proxy, or abusing the servers' script commands to get out of any form of administrative punishment - be it a mute, jail or ban is strictly forbidden and will be faced with server blacklisting. Along similar lines, sharing accounts, especially with banned players or as a banned player to others, is not allowed and could result in both players being blacklisted.
During a gunfight, you are only allowed to rush towards your enemy/enemies if your side of the fight has the same amount as, or more people than, your enemy. As a suspect, you can not run towards a cop if you have not shot as a suspect. As any team, you are also not allowed to push a vehicle you're using as cover simply to get closer to your enemy..
You may not ram anyone, suspect or cop, if they are on-foot, even in an active gunfight.
You are allowed to ram an enemy's vehicle using your own vehicle, but the following guideline(s) must be applied:
-You must not ram their vehicle at any point in line with, or in front of, their driver door at any speed faster than 15mph/25kmh.
-The vehicle must be currently occupied by someone on the opposing team.
-No one is using that vehicle as cover in a gunfight.
-You are not flying a helicopter.
-There is no risk of hitting the other vehicle in to water.
• Cops should always give suspects the opportunity to pull over before beginning to ram them, avoiding blocking them if they stop, and forming a line behind them.
Abusing the server script, game physics, and/or SA-MP mechanics in away to gain advantage is strictly forbidden.
This includes, but is not limited to: C-Bugging, C-Sliding, C-Rolling, Crack Shooting, Biker MP5 Driveby, Killing a cop frozen in Anti-Ram Script, Olympic Swimming, Litefoot, Pushing a vehicle for the purpose of moving closer/away from an enemy.
If you find a bug, you are required to report it either on the forums or directly to a member of the Senior Admin team. Failure to do so will result in a minimum of a 1-year ban.
Players have the choice to pick whatever skins they want and accessories to modify their look. However, it must be something rather realistic and reasonable, in other words, not troll clothing.
These guidelines should also be followed:
• You may not switch your skin to a LEO skin as the suspect or vice versa.
• Cops using any and all undercover/civilian skins must have a vest/armour/kevlar attachment, /att.
• You may not accessorize your character with ridiculous objects (e.g. a bush, huge hair piece, a house).
If you switched out of the default skin, you can check it again using /skinlist. Skin ID 280 is the default server skin.
Administrators have the final say on whether your skin is acceptable or not.
The spike 'unfair' usage rules are not limited to this list and are at admin discretion:
• You may not spike the exit points of Bayside, but you may spike the end of the bridge and tunnels.
• You mustensure you remove your spikes. This should be done automatically, but it is up to you to ensure it is.
• You may not set a spike perimeter around any boxed suspect vehicle, nor can you spike a dead-end, even if the suspect is moving.
• You may not not spike Burrito spawns or drop-offs.
• You may not bail out of your vehicle/off your bike in order to spike a suspect. It must be used in a realistic fashion.
If your spiking is not an obvious case of an example above, but your spikes are deemed unfair by an admin, that admin will only remove your spikes and will not punish you. In obvious cases of the examples above, you will be punished.
Using /ask or /askreply for anything other than asking and answering questions related to the script or rules is forbidden.
Using /report inappropriately or incorrectly is also not permitted. It should only be used for actually making valid reports.
Administrators have the right to warn or punish you for misusing other channels if it's deemed necessary.
12. AFK
You can not go AFK in any place except the lobby, and you must ensure you have /afk on before doing so.
You are, of course, permitted to temporarily be away from the game mid-pursuit or in DM, if for example you have to answer the door, get something to drink, or other short tasks that are a part of life. However, if a member of staff notices you AFK, or you are reported, you will be moved back to the lobby regardless of if you were "only gone a few seconds".
You may not get in a vehicle with, or otherwise work with, any player on an opposing team to you.
You are not allowed to team up with any other player in the DM arena, SOYO arena, or Events meant to be a free-for-all.
Whilst this is not a roleplay server in the sense of requiring strict RP, a small amount of RP is still required from time-to-time. Examples of when you need to use roleplay include, but are not limited to:
-Cuffing someone. You must use a /me, and if the player is not tased/beanbagged you must use /do and ask if you are successful.
-Pulling someone out of a vehicle. You must roleplay doing so, and you must give the other player an opportunity to fail your attempt.
-Being pulled out of a vehicle. If someone is RPing pulling you out, you must RP back, and either get out or explain why they fail.
You cannot do unrealistic actions with your roleplay, e.g: "/me flies to the moon" - this is Power Gaming.
You cannot purposefully ignore someone else's roleplay. Driving away whilst someone is RPing with you simply because you can now escape is considered ignoring roleplay.
You can only give one response explaining why someone else's roleplay fails, e.g saying they fail to get you out of the car because your seatbelt was on is considered your one and only 'failed' response. If they then RP cutting your seatbelt off and dragging you out, you must get out.
You are expected to use common decency, and critical thinking, whilst playing on SAPP. Whilst there is no definition for common decency, things which are considered to be a violation of this rule include, but are not limited to:
-Stealing another player's cuff or kill.
-Purposefully suiciding/leaving whilst being a suspect/cop in order to avoid dying/being cuffed/being tased or beanbagged.
-Saying "where is the evidence" or similar to a staff member. Open an appeal instead, you can appeal all punishments.
-Trying to find, or using, loopholes in the rules.
Use common decency and common sense. Not everything can be listed as a rule. Use your brain.
You may not use any modifications of any kind of third-party software to give you an advantage during gameplay.
Such modifications include, but are not limited to: Cheats, CLEO Files, and FPS changers.
If you are not sure if a mod will be permitted or not, feel free to ask a Lead Administrator.
The below are currently approved of:
•Vehicle modifications.
•Graphics modifications.
•Vehicle ELM light mods.
•Sound modifications.
You are to respect all players, donators and staff members alike.
Whilst some mild insulting/namecalling is permitted, the server is to be a positive environment for communication and fun. Discriminating and bullying other users, or insulting others based on their gender, racial, religion or political stance is not tolerated.
You are not allowed to repeatedly spam unnecessary messages of any kind or flood the servers' chatlog with similar messages on any chat platform. SAMP or Discord Server Advertising is automatically considered a flood of unnecessary messages, and is bannable.
The server welcomes all nationalities and cultures to the server, but for the sake of keeping communications standards, and easy communication between players and staff, all players are required to speak English in all channels.
Non-English can be spoken in /pm and in /pm only.
Creating a new account, signing in with an alternative IP address, a proxy, or abusing the servers' script commands to get out of any form of administrative punishment - be it a mute, jail or ban is strictly forbidden and will be faced with server blacklisting. Along similar lines, sharing accounts, especially with banned players or as a banned player to others, is not allowed and could result in both players being blacklisted.
During a gunfight, you are only allowed to rush towards your enemy/enemies if your side of the fight has the same amount as, or more people than, your enemy. As a suspect, you can not run towards a cop if you have not shot as a suspect. As any team, you are also not allowed to push a vehicle you're using as cover simply to get closer to your enemy..
You may not ram anyone, suspect or cop, if they are on-foot, even in an active gunfight.
You are allowed to ram an enemy's vehicle using your own vehicle, but the following guideline(s) must be applied:
-You must not ram their vehicle at any point in line with, or in front of, their driver door at any speed faster than 15mph/25kmh.
-The vehicle must be currently occupied by someone on the opposing team.
-No one is using that vehicle as cover in a gunfight.
-You are not flying a helicopter.
-There is no risk of hitting the other vehicle in to water.
• Cops should always give suspects the opportunity to pull over before beginning to ram them, avoiding blocking them if they stop, and forming a line behind them.
Abusing the server script, game physics, and/or SA-MP mechanics in away to gain advantage is strictly forbidden.
This includes, but is not limited to: C-Bugging, C-Sliding, C-Rolling, Crack Shooting, Biker MP5 Driveby, Killing a cop frozen in Anti-Ram Script, Olympic Swimming, Litefoot, Pushing a vehicle for the purpose of moving closer/away from an enemy.
If you find a bug, you are required to report it either on the forums or directly to a member of the Senior Admin team. Failure to do so will result in a minimum of a 1-year ban.
Players have the choice to pick whatever skins they want and accessories to modify their look. However, it must be something rather realistic and reasonable, in other words, not troll clothing.
These guidelines should also be followed:
• You may not switch your skin to a LEO skin as the suspect or vice versa.
• Cops using any and all undercover/civilian skins must have a vest/armour/kevlar attachment, /att.
• You may not accessorize your character with ridiculous objects (e.g. a bush, huge hair piece, a house).
If you switched out of the default skin, you can check it again using /skinlist. Skin ID 280 is the default server skin.
Administrators have the final say on whether your skin is acceptable or not.
The spike 'unfair' usage rules are not limited to this list and are at admin discretion:
• You may not spike the exit points of Bayside, but you may spike the end of the bridge and tunnels.
• You mustensure you remove your spikes. This should be done automatically, but it is up to you to ensure it is.
• You may not set a spike perimeter around any boxed suspect vehicle, nor can you spike a dead-end, even if the suspect is moving.
• You may not not spike Burrito spawns or drop-offs.
• You may not bail out of your vehicle/off your bike in order to spike a suspect. It must be used in a realistic fashion.
If your spiking is not an obvious case of an example above, but your spikes are deemed unfair by an admin, that admin will only remove your spikes and will not punish you. In obvious cases of the examples above, you will be punished.
Using /ask or /askreply for anything other than asking and answering questions related to the script or rules is forbidden.
Using /report inappropriately or incorrectly is also not permitted. It should only be used for actually making valid reports.
Administrators have the right to warn or punish you for misusing other channels if it's deemed necessary.
12. AFK
You can not go AFK in any place except the lobby, and you must ensure you have /afk on before doing so.
You are, of course, permitted to temporarily be away from the game mid-pursuit or in DM, if for example you have to answer the door, get something to drink, or other short tasks that are a part of life. However, if a member of staff notices you AFK, or you are reported, you will be moved back to the lobby regardless of if you were "only gone a few seconds".
You may not get in a vehicle with, or otherwise work with, any player on an opposing team to you.
You are not allowed to team up with any other player in the DM arena, SOYO arena, or Events meant to be a free-for-all.
Whilst this is not a roleplay server in the sense of requiring strict RP, a small amount of RP is still required from time-to-time. Examples of when you need to use roleplay include, but are not limited to:
-Cuffing someone. You must use a /me, and if the player is not tased/beanbagged you must use /do and ask if you are successful.
-Pulling someone out of a vehicle. You must roleplay doing so, and you must give the other player an opportunity to fail your attempt.
-Being pulled out of a vehicle. If someone is RPing pulling you out, you must RP back, and either get out or explain why they fail.
You cannot do unrealistic actions with your roleplay, e.g: "/me flies to the moon" - this is Power Gaming.
You cannot purposefully ignore someone else's roleplay. Driving away whilst someone is RPing with you simply because you can now escape is considered ignoring roleplay.
You can only give one response explaining why someone else's roleplay fails, e.g saying they fail to get you out of the car because your seatbelt was on is considered your one and only 'failed' response. If they then RP cutting your seatbelt off and dragging you out, you must get out.
You are expected to use common decency, and critical thinking, whilst playing on SAPP. Whilst there is no definition for common decency, things which are considered to be a violation of this rule include, but are not limited to:
-Stealing another player's cuff or kill.
-Purposefully suiciding/leaving whilst being a suspect/cop in order to avoid dying/being cuffed/being tased or beanbagged.
-Saying "where is the evidence" or similar to a staff member. Open an appeal instead, you can appeal all punishments.
-Trying to find, or using, loopholes in the rules.
Use common decency and common sense. Not everything can be listed as a rule. Use your brain.