Scanning Process
Step 1 - You should have a file downloaded. You need to right click on the and click on open. You should have something like the image given below
Alternatively, you can right click on the and then click on extract here, and then open the ISCS folder. After that, find ISCS.exe and right click on it, and make sure to click on "Run as Administrator

Step 2 - Click on the ISCS Folder and open it.
Step 3 - After doing the above, you look for ISCS.exe and open it.

Step 4 - After you open it, you will be greeted with this screen, just click on Accept. (You can read the whole thing before clicking on accept if you have any questions about the SCHS.)

Step 5 - After you agree, you will have a prompt asking for you to find your GTA Folder. You just have to select your GTA Folder. For example, my GTA Folder is located in my C Drive in Program Files. ( If you have the game installed in the default Program Files (x86) folder) After you find your GTA Folder, make sure to click on the first folder. For example -

Step 6 - Click on OK after your done with selecting the folder.
Step 7 - Under "Player's Nickname", write the name you want to use, For example - "Ayan" as it's the name I want to use.
Step 8 - Under "Admin's Nickname", write the admin that is taking your registration ticket / ban appeal, it is usually written in the steps given in the ticket. I am gonna select AntiCheat as an example.

Step 9 - Click on PROCEED and wait a few seconds. And after that you should be good to go.
Step 10 - Go back to your ticket, and say that you have finished doing the scan. Do not tag anyone while doing so though.
If everything goes well, it should show you this prompt -

- You must have Windows 7+ operating system.
- You cannot scan under a Virtual Machine.
- You need to agree to our Privacy Policy.
- You must have any application that extracts zip, or the regular Windows resource, I prefer to use WinRAR
- You must have SAMP 0.3DL and GTA San Andreas downloaded and installed.
- You must have NET Framework 4.6.1+ Installed.
- You must have SCHS downloaded.
WinRAR Download -
Samp 0.3DL Download - ... nstall.exe
.Net Framework - ... work/net48
Credited to: Ayan